Sam and Surer are narcissistic performers that have recently taken a diversity/sensitivity training position thinking they're changing hearts and minds. However, they come to realize the material they’re teaching contradicts who they are as people. The presentation takes on a life of its own, forcing them to come to terms with who they are as well as the sensitive society we find ourselves in.

The opening moments of this production will remind anyone who works for major corporations about these forced upon, attendance mandatory training sessions so accurately that it should come with a trigger warning. Sam and Surer nail the fake, condescending enthusiasm perfectly and their slide show presentation is riddled with dated Word Art, textbook definitions and cutesy images of rainbows and sunshine. It’s a brilliant start to a show that, unfortunately, runs out of steam and does not fully take advantage of a clever concept.

The show fluctuates heavily between genuinely funny moments and references being lost (perhaps purposefully) on the audience. As the presentation glitches (absolutely on purpose), Sam and Surer are revealed as flawed individuals and have to face their own cringe behaviours they have been lecturing the audience on the whole time. This concept of the PowerPoint presentation taking on a life of its own is excellent and is staged and lit effectively but considering the attention it draws, remains truly underutilized. It also doesn’t help that the performers trip over one another’s dialogue and often, soft-spoken Surer’s voice is lost even when mic’d.

Perhaps with some more focus on the concept of the presentation taking over and less of an abrupt ending with little resolution, The Haters Tour would have more of a memorable impact. There’s humour and biting commentary throughout but, like the training sessions it’s mocking, doesn’t hold its momentum.


